What Happens When You Turn 40 To Your Body

What Happens When You Turn 40 To Your Body?

As I was approaching my forties, I often wondered what happens when you turn 40 to your body?

When you turn 40, it is often a celebration as an achievement. However, this comes with a price too. Some changes accompany age. However, these changes are not sudden, but sooner or later, you will start to notice them.

Now I’m in my 40’s I’ve started noticing some of the below changes.



The average age for women to get complete menstrual changes is at around 50 years of age. However, in your 40’s, women might start to experience changes in their menstrual cycles.

Your differences may continue until you fully transition occurs, and this is called perimenopause. The changes that a woman undergoes before you experience menopause entirely.

The hormones that regulate your cycle reduce, and they may lead to insomnia, irregular periods, hot flash, uneven hair growth, headache, changes in libido, mood swings, short term memory loss, anger, anxiety, and many others.


Perimenopause And Menopause And Hormones


Chances of Cancer Increases

Medical experts advise women at ’40s to undergo cancer screening since it’s at this age they are at a  higher risk of breast cancer. They also did a study and determined that women who take alcohol have increased their risk of chances by fifty percent.


Possible Chances of Being a Better Parent

According to research is done, women who conceive in their 40’s are likely to be more nursing than when they were at that younger age.

It is because, at this age, you’re likely to make a more informed and well-educated decision for your child. It also says that women at this age are more financially stable and can easily afford the necessities for their infant on time.

In conclusion, at this point in life, they are more likely to be in a comfortable position with your partner.


Common For Bone Density to Reduce

Bone density is consistent until mid-thirties. After that, people lose an average of one percent yearly in their 40s. It is more likely for you to start feeling the changes. However, regular exercise may help to slow the bone density loss. This is known as Osteoporosis.


Osteoporosis On The Spine


Possible Changes in Vision Capability

It is common to have vision difficulties in your 40’s primarily for close-ups. It will be noticed, for example, when you’re reading and doing any other job that requires a close-range observation.

Colors become hard to determine. Driving at night may, at times, be a bit difficult, and on other occasions, you may need more light to carry out other activities.


The Hair Becomes Less Dense

According to research done, it’s more likely that your hair will start thinning as soon as you hit your 40’s. However, it’s good to note that this heavily depends on genetics. It should, however, not be a shock since it’s a natural process, and you can, however, start treatments and intake of vitamins such as biotin supplement and vesical.


Teeth May Become Less Sensitive.

In your 40’s, your teeth often produce more dentin as compared to before, and this translates to less sensitive teeth. It’s necessary to perform regular check-ups.


Your Metabolism

Your metabolism decreases in your 40’s. It’s likely that the amount and type of food taken at this age will make you gain weight faster than you could back in our adolescent days. Regular exercises can only remedy this. The Bikini Body Workouts by Jen will help you get your figure back. Read my review of the Bikini Body Workouts.


Boost Your Metabolism


Sense of Taste Reduces

At birth, it’s estimated to have above 8000 receptors, and as we grow older, these receptors tend to decrease, thus shedding some flavors while others become more mixed up. It happens faster in men than in women. You should, however, not to get worried when such changes occur as they are very reasonable.


Reduction in Alcohol Intake

As you get older, there is a high possibility you reduce your alcohol consumption due to various reasons. It’s evident that as we age, your liver is less functional, and metabolizing the alcohol becomes harder.


We Shrink

It’s a common thing for us to shrink as we grow old due to factors such as a reduction in bone density and muscles shrinking. However, its rate heavily relies on our lifestyle and gender.


Injuries Take longer to Heal

In your 40’s, your body requires more time so that it can recover from wounds or damages due to biochemical, hormonal, and physiological processes as they try to interact.


You Become Prone to Forgetting

Forgetting is a common thing, but as you hit your 40’s, you realize that it becomes more serious. It may be forgetting people’s names, where you place items or reason for your actions for a flash of a minute.


Hair Turns Starts to Turn Grey

Hair coloring changes may also be experienced in your 40’s. The older you get, the more chances it is likely to have those grey hairs. But there are shampoos and other hair treatments that can remedy the condition.


Difficulty in Losing Weight

As you grow older, your metabolism rate simultaneously reduces. It becomes easy to gain weight than it is to lose weight. It’s when at your 40’s you tend to realize these changes. However, the weight might be lost, but then it becomes harder than before. Research shows that at you mid 40’s your mind begins to experience some downturns


Get a Bikini Body in 60 Days


The Bikini Body Workouts by Jen will help you get your figure back. Read my review of the Bikini Body Workouts.


Your Skin Starts Forming Some Wrinkles

In the ’40s, our skin doesn’t glow as it had at an early age; therefore, the face fats reduce, making the skin look saggy. Besides, the skin becomes more, making the skin wrinkles more visible. It calls for us to keep the skin moisturized or adding fillers done by a qualified doctor.


Changes in Your Sleeping Pattern

The aging process changes in his or her sleeping patterns are considered a regular thing. At this age, then it is likely for us to start experiencing such sleeping technicalities.


Your Bladder Becomes Loose

As we grow older, the urinary muscles also get old and weak. In our 40’s it’s not a shocking thing to find one experiencing such urinary control hardships.



In conclusion, we should be ready for these changes to avoid being caught up in a dilemma. We should then take the necessary precautions where necessary, and then we should be prepared to accept and adapt to them.


I hope you liked my first article. I’m sure with time they will get better. Please leave a comment below or share it on social media if you enjoyed my article.


Thank you for reading




I like to include any references I’ve used for my articles.

Julia m, 2018, accessed 10 October 2019, https://www.cheatsheet.com/health-fitness/all-the-ways-your-body-changes-after-40.html/

Elizabeth f, n.d, accessed 10 October 2019, https://www.thelist.com/34044/really-happens-body-turn-40/

What Happens to Your Body After 40, Why It’s Important to Know About It, 2014-2019, accessed 10 October 2019, https://brightside.me/inspiration-health/what-happens-to-your-body-after-40-and-why-its-important-to-know-about-it-632210/

Best life editors, 2019, accessed 10 October 2019, https://bestlifeonline.com/over-40-body-changes/

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